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Interlibrary Loan: Home


Interlibrary Loan (often abbreviated I.L.L.) is a service that allows UF students to borrow books, articles and other materials from libraries throughout the country. Use interlibrary loan when you are looking for a specific source, but are unable to find the full text in the library's databases, the Shafer Library catalog, or the OhioLINK and SearchOhio catalogs. 

Request Materials through ILL

1. To place an interlibrary loan request, begin on the Shafer Library homepage. Hover over Quick Links in the navigation bar. Select Article Request Form or Book Request Form depending on the material type you are requesting. 

2. Complete the form. Use as much information as possible about the book or article. You can also copy and paste the full citation into the form, regardless of citation style. You will be asked to specify an amount you would be willing to pay for the source. The vast majority of resources are available for free, but some institutions may charge for certain types of materials. If you do not want to pay for the materials, select "None" from the dropdown menu. Otherwise, indicate the maximum amount you are willing to pay.

3. Submit the form. Delivery will depend on the availability and format of the material(s) you request. When an ILL item arrives at Shafer Library, you will be notified via email.


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Access Services Coordinator

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Pam Carles
126A Shafer Library