What is interlibrary loan (ILL)?
ILL is a service you use to borrow journal articles, books, and audiovisual media from other libraries outside of Ohio. It is free to UF faculty, staff, and students.
NOTE: Before using ILL, make sure the article you want is not available electronically or in print from Shafer Library. Similarly, if you want a book or media item, make sure it is not available through the Shafer Library Catalog or the OhioLINK Central Catalog.
How does it work?
Fill out an Article Request Form. Use the citation for the article you need and fill in as many fields as possible.
Your request is received by Shafer Library and is processed as soon as possible.
When your request is fulfilled, you will receive an email from Pam (see right) with your requested article attached.
How long does it take for materials to arrive?
There are several determining factors for ILL requests. Assuming a loaning library can fill the request, here are some guidelines:
You will receive a notification in your findlay.edu inbox when Shafer Library has your article, book, or media item.