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Industry and Market Research: Business Source

Sources for industry and market research, analysis, and reports

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Finding Industry Reports in Business Source Complete

Go to Business Source Complete using the link in the box at the top of this page. 

1. Scroll down to the Limit your results section under the search boxes.

2. Select "Industry Overview" as the Document Type in the left column.

3. Using a NAICS code is the best way to find industry reports in Business Source Complete. Enter the NAICS code into the box labeled NAICS/Industry Code on the left side of the page.

business source doc type selection


4. Click the Search to view the industry research reports available. You may have a lot (or a few) results depending on the industry you choose. Browse through the list of industry reports to find the one relevant to your country or region. Country reports are not available for every industry. A global report is available for most industries, but may be a couple of years old.


business naics result page


Pro Tip: Do a new search with only NAICS code. You will get a lot of results that you can then limit by subject or NAICS/Industry using the limiters on the left side.

naics subject result page


SWOT Analysis in Business Source Complete

Go to Business Source Complete using the link in the box at the top of this page. 

1. Scroll down to the Limit your results section under the search boxes.

2. Select "SWOT Analysis" under Publication Type.

3. Using a NAICS code is the best way to find industry reports in Business Source Complete. Enter the NAICS code into the box labeled NAICS/Industry Code in the right column. This will find SWOT documents for companies in that sector. You can limit to the company itself using the DUNS number box below NAICS.

swot analysis selection


4. Click the Search to view the SWOT Analysis reports available. You may have a lot (or a few) results depending on the industry you choose.

swot analysis results