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Philosophy Research Guide: Web Resources & Archives

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Professional Organizations

American Philosophical Association

Promotes the discipline and profession of philosophy, both within the academy and in the public arena. The APA supports the professional development of philosophers at all levels and works to foster greater understanding and appreciation of the value of philosophical inquiry.

American Philosophical Society

The American Philosophical Society promotes useful knowledge in the sciences and humanities through excellence in scholarly research, professional meetings, publications, library resources, and community outreach. This country's first learned society, the APS has played an important role in American cultural and intellectual life for over 250 years.

The Society for Philosophy and Psychology

The Society for Philosophy and Psychology is a professional organization in North America that promotes discussion and research at the intersection of philosophy, psychology and cognitive science.


Hipparchia of Maroneia

Detail from a wall painting depicting the Cynic philosopher Hipparchia of Maroneia. From the garden of the Villa Farnesina, Museo delle Terme, Rome

Detail from a wall painting depicting the Cynic philosopher Hipparchia of Maroneia. From the garden of the Villa Farnesina, Museo delle Terme, Rome