We are highlighting the musical side of campus in this week's Flashback Friday! Most music history related to the University of Findlay dates back to the 1940s, when John Van Nice became a new member of the faculty in 1947. He directed the Findlay College Choir (now the Concert-Chorale) and wrote the university's alma mater hymn. The choir music was recorded on vinyl so that they may by heard by students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. For those unfamiliar with vinyl records, they require a special player to play and contain music on both sides (meaning you need to flip the record over to hear the second half of the track). Check out some of the photos below to see what was recorded! The records include songs that are still performed by our campus music groups today.
CLICK HERE to listen to a recent rendition of UF's fight song, performed by the marching band.
Click here for official lyrics for the fight song and alma mater.
Record Cover, Campus Music by the Findlay College Band and Choir (1961)
The record cover features Old Main on the front and the song listings on the back. It includes information about the music composers: John Van Nice (Findlay Alma Mater Hymn) and Louis Chenette (Fight, Findlay Oilers). Louis Chenette was the director of the college band and an expert on band organization and administration. The track list includes the following songs:
Side One
- "The Creation" by Willy Richter
- "Sing and Rejoice" by Will James
- "Beside Thy Cradle Here I Stand" by J. S. Bach-O.C.C.
- "The Lord's Prayer" by Leroy Robertson
- "Kum Ba Yah" (Come By Here) by Harm. Bliss Wiant
- "Nola" by Felix Arndt and Clay Warnick
- "Findlay Alma Mater Hymn" by John R. Van Nice
Side Two
- "Brass Aflame" by John Cacavas
- "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach (transcribed by Erik Leidzen)
- "Kiddie Ballet" by Ralph Hermann
- "Festival Music" by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- "Fight, Findlay Oilers" by Louis Chenette
Vinyl Record, Campus Music by the Findlay College Band and Choir
Vinyl record from Campus Music by the Findlay College Band and Choir.
Record Cover, The Findlay College A Cappella Choir (1970)
This record contains music from the 1970 Findlay College a cappella choir. It is still sealed in the wrapping, so it has never been opened! The track list includes the following:
Side One
- "Night Divine" by Arcadelt
- "O Magnum Mysterium" by Victoria-Grayson
- "There Shall a Star Come" by Mendelssohn
- "The White Dove" by Arr. Brahms
- "Christmas Day (Fantasy)" by Holst
Side Two
- "Hodie Christus Natus Est" by Willan
- "O Bone Jesu" by Palestrina-Grayson
- "The Lord is Risen Today" by Billings-Clokey
- "Babylon is Fallen" by Arr. Malin
- "Swing Low" Arr. R. Wagner
- "Amen" by Arr. Hairston
- "Cotton Fields" by Ledbetter-Wheeler
- "Sophomoric Philosophy" by Dvorak