Author Last, First. "Page title." Website title, contribution by First Last, Publisher, Publication date, URL.
Note: the publisher of a website is not required if it is effectively the same as the website title.
Berger, Chloe. “Despite 1.1 Million TikTok Followers and 20 Million Books Sold, Bestselling Author Colleen Hoover Says She Has ‘the Worst Case of Impostor Syndrome.’” Fortune.Com, Oct. 2022.
A Tweet:
Twitter handle, "entire tweet." Twitter, date, time, URL.
@neilhimself, "Orpheus is played by @regejean and he sings like an angel. Or like Orpheus." Twitter, 4 Nov. 2022, 5:53 PM
@tombrokaw. “SC demonstrated why all the debates are the engines of this campaign.” Twitter, 22 Jan. 2012, 3:06 a.m.,
A Youtube Video:
Author last name, first name. "Video title." Youtube, uploader name if different from author, date, URL.
Markiplier."Lawn Mowing Simulator but with Dinosaurs" Youtube, 9 July 2022,
Hill, Kyle. "How does Daredevil see without sight?" Youtube, uploaded by Because Science, 16 April 2015,